Mass Times: Saturdays at 5:00 pm;
Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am.
Mon, Tues, Wed* (*Communion service),
and Fri at 8:15 am;
Thurs at 6:00 pm.
St. Rita Roman Catholic Church
1008 Maple Dr., Webster, NY 14580

 Liturgical Ministry 

Thank you for your willingness to serve as a Liturgical Minister!
You are so important to the life of our parish.

Click here to view the current Ministry Schedule. 

(*To make changes, use the link in your email or contact Chris Trombley or Elizabeth Kwiatkowski.)


Please read the following descriptions carefully to decide which role(s) you feel called to fill and answer the questions at the link below or by downloading a paper copy of the form.  Please use one copy per individual. 


Mass Coordinator

  1. Responsibilities – support the liturgical ministers at Mass by confirming their readiness to serve
  2. Qualifications – adult member of parish; physically able to perform all responsibilities; CASE certification
  3. Skills/characteristics – familiarity with all liturgical ministry roles; comfortable interacting with others; skilled at problem solving; dependable
  4. Time of arrival – thirty (30) minutes before Mass begins


  1. Responsibilities – offer a welcoming and helpful approach to those attending Mass while maintaining ongoing safety measures
  2. Qualifications – adult member of parish or youth with supportive adult present; physically able to perform all responsibilities; CASE certification
  3. Skills/characteristics – comfortable greeting people; outgoing and welcoming; dependable
  4. Time of arrival –  thirty (30) minutes before Mass begins


  1. Responsibilities – proclaim the Word of God to the community; read the Prayers of the Faithful in the absence of a deacon
  2. Qualifications – adult member of parish; has received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation; physically able to perform all responsibilities; CASE certification
  3. Skills/characteristics –ability to read clearly into the microphone with proper tone and posture; dependable
  4. Time of arrival –  twenty (20) minutes before Mass begins

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMOHC)

  1. Responsibilities – distribute Holy Communion to the parishioners during Mass     
  2. Qualifications – adult member of parish; has received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation; physically able to perform all responsibilities; CASE certification
  3. Skills/characteristics – demonstrates reverence for the Eucharist; dependable
  4. Time of arrival–  twenty (20) minutes before Mass begins

Tech Minister

  1. Responsibilities – manage the technical operation of online streaming and the display on the screens in church during Mass
  2. Qualifications – adult or youth with supportive adult present; active member of the parish; physically able to perform all responsibilities
  3. Skills/characteristics – familiarity with using a tablet; ability to maintain focus; dependable
  4. Time of arrival–twenty (20) minutes before Mass begins

Altar Server

  1. Responsibilities – support the celebration of the Mass by performing various duties which include bell ringing, cross bearing and other activities as directed by the celebrant
  2. Qualifications – youth; family is member of the parish; has received First Communion; physically able to perform all responsibilities
  3. Skills/characteristics – ability to follow directions and to follow sequence of the Mass; dependable
  4. Time of arrival – twenty (20) minutes before Mass begins

Children’s Liturgy of the Word catechist

  1. Responsibilities – prepare and lead a Liturgy of the Word adapted for children ages 3-6
  2. Qualifications – adult member of the parish or teen with adult supervision; CASE certification; physically able to perform all responsibilities; dependable
  3. Skills/characteristics – ability to make or follow a lesson plan; ability to engage the children
  4. Time of arrival – thirty (30) minutes before the Mass begins

Please fill out this online form


download a copy to print and bring to church.

You will be contacted about training.


If you have any questions about any of these ministries, contact Elizabeth Kwiatkowski.