An Introduction to the Sunday Scriptures - December 1, 2024
“The Days Are Coming, Says The Lord, When I Will Fulfill My Promise”
This is the first Sunday of our new liturgical year - a time of anticipation and a new fresh start in our relationship with the Lord. For the next four weeks, our readings will focus on three things - God's promise from ancient times for a Messiah, anticipation of God's promises kept at Christmas as God Himself comes to live among us, and God's promise of Jesus' second coming when our "redemption is at hand."
The words of the prophet Jeremiah in our first reading (JER 33:14-16), offered hope to the Jewish people in exile in Babylon. He prophesied God's promise of the restoration of Jerusalem and that an heir to the throne of David (“A Just Shoot”) would one day reign as king forever. If there is one thing the Jewish people knew, it was that God keeps His promises.
In our Epistle reading (Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2), St. Paul gives us advice on how to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord. This advice holds true for both the first coming of Christ at Christmas and for His second coming at the end of time. This advice is perhaps something parents today could write in a Christmas letter to their own children — ”May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we have for you.”
In our Gospel reading (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36), Jesus described a time of tribulation when the final judgement would come and Jesus would return. But for the faithful and vigilant ones, "stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand." In other words, the end times should not be a frightful time for the faithful, but a time to look forward to our redemption.
This Advent season is a time of looking to the past and looking to the future with the purpose of influencing our present. Just as Jesus comes into the world anew at Christmas, so too He comes anew into our hearts. This is a time of preparation for that glorious event.
An Introduction to Sunday's Scripture Readings - November 24, 2024
“My Kingdom Does Not Belong To This World”
Next Sunday begins the season of Advent, which will help us prepare our hearts to receive our Lord and King at His birth. Our Church now turns our attention to a foremost reality of our faith - that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed Son of God. He is Lord of the universe but He is also Lord of our hearts, our minds, our lives, and our families.
In our first reading (Daniel 7:13-14), Daniel tells of a vision seeing a divine, heavenly being and yet human in appearance (“one like a Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven”). Even Old Testament writers interpreted this as the messianic figure. Jesus is often quoted in the Gospels as referring to Himself as “Son of Man”. Often, when He used this term, many believe He was talking about the end times. Many scholars believe that when He used this term, He had in mind this passage from Daniel, chapter 7.
In our Epistle reading from the Book of Revelation (RV 1:5-8), St. John wrote of the end times, the apocalypse, when he wrote, "he is coming amid the clouds", and that he has made us into "priests for his God and Father." As priests, we are called to teach, to witness, and to love, as our model Christ did for us.
In our Gospel reading (John 18:33-37), we hear a scene from the passion narrative of the Gospel of St. John, as Jesus was interrogated by Pilate. Jesus answered, "My kingdom does not belong to this world." Jesus is not like any king the world would know. He is a servant king, one who reigns in love, not in violence, one who seeks the lost and rescues them.
On this Feast of Christ the King, we are reminded that Jesus is King of heaven and earth and His kingdom is eternal. Because of this, we are called to invite Jesus to reign as Lord and King of our hearts, our families, our avocations, our professions, our hopes and dreams - every aspect of our lives. To do less is to make Jesus a part-time king (with a small k). Jesus invites us to make Him the center of our lives.
An Introduction to the Sunday Scriptures - November 17, 2024
“But Of That Day Or Hour, No One Knows"
On this second to last Sunday in our liturgical year, the Church turns our attention to the Last Things - death, judgement, heaven and hell. Before we begin with our season of Advent, it is good to ponder our mortality and the passing of all things.
In our first reading (Daniel 12:1-3), we hear a very clear description of the resurrection of the dead and everlasting life. Its purpose was to promise final deliverance of God's people who are faithful, while others will meet "everlasting horror and disgrace." This vision offered hope to those who were suffering great persecution - just as it should for us today. “The wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament.” We are also reminded that the Archangel Michael is our protection from evil—remember the prayer: “St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. . . .”
In our Epistle reading (Hebrews 10:11-14, 18), we hear another comparison between the earthly priests of Israel and our eternal high priest, Jesus, who offered one sacrifice for sins and then “he waits until his enemies are made his footstool.” Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for our sins is offered once; there need be no further offering for sin. It is through the Eucharist and the Mass that we continually participate in the re-presentation of this sacrifice.
In our Gospel reading (Mark 13:24-32), Jesus borrowed from another one of Daniel's visions (Daniel 7:13-14) as He said, "you will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds". Jesus was describing first, the coming destruction of the temple in Jerusalem “in that current generation”, which happened in 70 AD, and then His second coming at the final judgement. “But of that day or hour, no one knows….but only the Father.”
As we begin to prepare for the close of our liturgical year and look forward to preparations for the awesome and glorious incarnation of Jesus at Christmas, we should keep in mind that God's will unfolds according to His eternal plan. Nothing is happenstance for God. The ultimate triumph of good over evil has been ordained since the beginning of time.
An Introduction to the Sunday Scripture Readings - November 10, 2024
“She, From Her Poverty, Contributed All She Had”
Our readings today offer us a glimpse into the world of the poorest of the poor who give to God all that they have. They are our models of offering to God everything we have.
In our first reading from the first Book of Kings (1 Kings 17:10-16), the prophet Elijah had proclaimed a drought in the land of Israel because of their evil deeds and idol worship. God then commanded Elijah to travel to Zarephath of Sidon. There he encountered a poor widow who shared with him her last meal, even as she and her son were about to die of famine. God rewarded her and her son with an abundance of oil and flour for the next year until the rains came and the drought ended.
In our Epistle reading (Hebrews 9:24-28), we hear a continuation of the Letter to the Hebrews from the past few weeks. In it, we hear the continuing contrast between Jesus, our eternal high priest, and the earthly high priests of Israel. They entered a man-made sanctuary, while Jesus enters the heavenly sanctuary, into the presence of God on our behalf. They offered imperfect sacrifices, first for their own sins, then for others. Jesus, the unblemished lamb, offers the perfect sacrifice - himself. They offered continual sacrifices year after year. Jesus offers himself once, for all.
In our Gospel reading (Mark 12:38-44), we hear of a poor widow who gave to the temple treasury everything she had, which was two small coins. This was in contrast to the scribes and the rich people who gave large sums, but only out of their surplus wealth. Jesus called attention to the poor widow as a model for us.
Just as Jesus offered everything He had, His very self, in atonement for our sins, so too, our two widows in today's readings gave everything they had in offering to God. We are called to emulate that spirit of giving - not from our surplus wealth but from our poverty.
Perhaps we can examine our own lives — What is it we are poorest in? Is this what we are called to give?
An Introduction to Sunday's Scripture Readings - December 25
Our readings for Christmas Mass at night draw a direct connection between what Isaiah prophesied more than 500 years before Christ was born and what took place that Christmas night when the prophesy was fulfilled in all its humble glory.
In our first reading (Isaiah 9:1-6), we hear the prophesy of Isaiah that is proclaimed every Christmas Eve night - God's own Son will come to deliver us. "For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace. His dominion is vast and forever peaceful, from David's throne, and over his kingdom, which he confirms and sustains by judgment and justice, both now and forever.”
In our Epistle (Titus 2:11-14), St. Paul leads us to remember that Christ promised to come again and will deliver us from all lawlessness. Paul teaches us how to live while we await the return of Jesus our Savior. “The grace of God has appeared, saving all and training us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, justly, and devoutly in this age, as we await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of our great God and savior Jesus Christ.”
Our Gospel reading (Luke 2:1-14) is the account of Jesus' humble birth as Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem to register for the census of the house of David. The first to bear witness were the lowly shepherds from the surrounding hillsides.
The birth of the Jesus the Messiah was not just something that happened a long time ago. It was an event foretold for centuries and awaited fervently by the people of Israel. From the moment of Jesus' birth to his tragic death and triumphant resurrection, he was the embodiment of humility, patience, and love. It is how he calls us to live "temperately, justly and devoutly in this age as we await the blessed hope."
Click 'Read more' for the reflection on the Christmas Day readings.